

Rock Oil completes three new management standards

Thursday, 2 August, 2018

We reported in October 2016 that we had attained the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard for Health and Safety Management for the first time; a standard which demonstrated our continued commitment to safe and responsible operations for customer and employee alike. This meant Rock completed the three part set of internationally respected management standards; BS EN ISO9001 for Quality Management, BS EN ISO14001 for Environmental Management and BS EN OHSAS 18001 for Health and Safety Management.

We are now delighted to announce that not only have we attained the three standards for the third year running, we have now met the requirements for the newest standard for Environmental Management; BS EN ISO 14001:2015. This demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that our high quality products provided in the most environmentally responsible manner possible. Now firmly settled in our purpose-built office and research and development centre, we will continue to grow and maintain our high standards of excellence in Health and Safety, Environmental Management and Quality.

Thursday, 2 August, 2018

