
Logos and Branding

Here you will be able to find different variations of the Rock Oil logo, for use in media and print design. You can download the pack here. If you need a copy of one of the logos in an alternative format please contact us.

The green colour used in our logo is Pantone Coated 347 C

  • CMYK: 93, 0, 100, 0
  • HEX: #009a44
  • RGB: 0, 154, 68


  • Reproduce the logo in two colours on a white background where possible. This is the preferred version of the logo. The colours are black and the green specified elsewhere in these guidelines.


  • Do not reproduce the logo in colours other than those specified in this guide.
  • Do not place the two colour logo over a patterned background that will impair readability
  • Do not skew or stretch the logo

Where the main logo would be unsuitable for use (because of clashing colours), there are allowed alternatives as shown below. The green colour (when in use) is kept consistent, as is the orientation of the R shape. 



In this example the left image is wrong. The shade of green is too light, and the green R logo does not have the slanted effect. The graphic on the right is how our logo should be displayed.


The graphics files available for download are in a few different formats. For print use please refer to the PDF versions. These files contains all of the allowed variations of the logo as shown above as single files. For web use please refer to the PNG and JPG raster versions, these are zip files that contain individual versions of each allowed variation.

Download the logo pack here
